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#Questions Related to the Game:

##Q: What is the best way of getting gems? A: Currently, the best way of obtaining more gems is by completing the damage task by playing in infinite mode or material farming mode. For a list of the meta damage farming team, look at If you’ve finished damage task, the best way is to wait in time chamber.

##Q: How often is the game updated? A: The game is updated every 2-3 weeks. Minor updates may occur a week from a previous update, but is not guranteed.

##Q: When will [insert unit suggestion] be added? A: The developers are always adding characters from different anime series into the game. If your character is from a popular series such as One Piece, Dragon Ball, Naruto, etc, you’ll have a higher chance of it coming into the game.

##Q: How do I stop the game from lagging so much? A: You can turn off visual effects in the settings region (a gear icon found in the bottom right). It is recommended you put it at off so that your game will be as lag free as possible. If this does not fix it, it might be an issue on your side.

##Q: How often are codes added? A: 1 big code is added with every updates with other codes put out between them. These codes are made whenever a goal is reached (sub goal, follower goal, etc) or made randomly for various other reasons.

#Questions Related to the Trello/Trello Server:

##Q: When are mod applications open in the server? A: Mod application are open whenever there is a lack of moderators in the server. There is no set time for when it happens.

##Q: How do I check a unit’s stats? A: Scroll around to the right until you find the category in which the unit is in (3 star, 4 star, 5 star, or 6 star). Once you do that, scroll down and find the in game name of it. Remember that the list is made in alphabetical order (Refers to in game name).

##Q: What does it mean when a unit has the “not recommended” tag? A: It means that the unit has bad stats and/or is not worth the effort of getting it. An example would be a 5 star that is heavily outclassed by other similar units with better stats.