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Unit Status Effects

There are 13 main types of status effect: Bleed, Burn, Sunburn, Black Flames, Poison, Freeze/Stun, Timestop, Ultimate Timestop, Reverse, Enchant Change, Reveal, Setback and Slow. #

Bleed #

Bleed causes an inflicted enemy to take damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds in total. This makes the total damage 4x more than the unit’s current damage.


Units that inflicts bleed: #

Devil - (7 Star) Ombre - (7 Star) Koro F III - (7 Star) Akasa (TS) - (6 Star) Anti Hero - (6 Star) Chains - (6 Star) Devil (Shadow) - (6 Star) Fiend Siblings - (6 Star) Jizu - (6 Star) Koro F II - (6 Star) Lex (RAGE) - (6 Star) Mr, Vampire - (6 Star) One-I (Split-Persona) - (6 Star) Pirate King - (6 Star) Strength - (6 Star) Sound-O-Sonic - (6 Star) The Asura - (6 Star) Thorn Princess - (6 Star) Akasa - (5 Star) Grag - (5 Star) Humble-Swordman - (5 Star) Jackzon - (5 Star) Koro F - (5 Star) Mina (Strong) - (5 Star) Racky - (5 Star) Re One-I - (5 Star) Spider-Boss - (5 Star) Xerxes (Ultimate) - (5 Star) Zio - (5 Star) Lex - (4 Star) Mina - (4 Star) One-I - (4 Star) Organs - (4 Star) Snakeomaru - (4 Star) Togi - (4 Star) Xerxes - (4 Star) Zio Brundo - (4 Star)

Burn #

Burn causes an inflicted enemy to take damage every 2 seconds for 12 seconds in total. This makes the total damage 6x more than the unit’s current damage.


Units that inflicts burn: #

Flaming Tiger (JUSTICE) - (6 Star) Mafia Boss (Future) - (6 Star) Magma Marine 6 - (6 Star) Nezichi (Awakened) - (6 Star) Spade (Furious) - (6 Star) Troy Honda (Enraged) - (6 Star) Bird Magician - (5 Star) Blazing Prince - (5 Star) Fireman - (5 Star) Fire Boy - (5 Star) Fire King - (5 Star) Flaming Tiger - (5 Star) Janji (Wedding) - (5 Star) Magma Marine - (5 Star) Spade - (5 Star) Spade (Explore) - (5 Star) Tatsu (Half) - (5 Star) Rodoroki (Enraged) - (5 Star) Troy Honda - (5 Star) Janji TS - (4 Star) Lava Moth - (4 Star) Tatsu - (4 Star)

Sunburn #

Sunburn causes an inflicted enemy to take damage every 3 seconds for 21 seconds in total and slows them down by 18% (Stacks with Slow). This makes the total damage 7x more than the unit’s current damage.


Units that inflicts Sunburn: #

Humble-Swordsman (Awoken) - (7 Star) Humble-Swordsman (Furious) - (6 Star) Jon-jo II (Serious) - (6 Star) Jon-jo II - (5 Star)

Black Flames #

Black Flames causes an inflicted enemy to take damage every 2 seconds for 40 seconds in total. This makes the total damage 20x more than the unit’s current damage.


Units that inflicts Black Flames: #

Kosuke (SS) - (7 Star) (Recommended) Crow (After) - (6 Star) Dark - (6 Star) Red Eye Warrior - (6 Star) TacoChita - (6 Star) Kosuke (Eternal) - (6 Star)

Poison #

Poison causes an inflicted enemy to take damage every 3.5 seconds for 21 seconds in total. This makes the total damage 6x more than the unit’s current damage.


Units that inflicts Poison: #

Flower Trainer - (6 Star) Magnus Black - (6 Star) Pinky - (6 Star) The Strongest Curse - (6 Star) (Recommended) Gas Gas - (5 Star) Venom - (5 Star)

Freeze/Stun #

Freeze/Stun causes an inflicted enemy to stop moving.


Units that inflicts Stun: #

Worl (Vigilante) - (7 Star) (Recommended) Becky - (6 Star) Dimensional Alien (Strong) - (6 Star) Erasure 6 - (6 Star) Ghost Girl - (6 Star) King Of Heroes - (6 Star) Kriffin Supa - (6 Star) Navy - (6 Star) Soul Snatcher (MAX) - (6 Star) Soul Snatcher - (5 Star)


Units that inflicts Freeze:

Erito - (6 Star) (Recommended) Ice Dragon - (6 Star) Ice Queen (B) - (6 Star) Ice Queen (D) - (6 Star) Ice X-Marine - (6 Star) Judar - (6 Star) Lia Venegas - (6 Star) Limilia (Ultimate) - (6 Star) Shirtless Devil - (6 Star) Etri - (5 Star) Ice Marine - (5 Star) Ice Queen - (5 Star) Ice Queen (Hollow) - (5 Star) Zukia (Captain) - (5 Star) Rodoroki (Enraged) - (5 Star) Skeleton - (5 Star) Maskice - (5 Star) Rodoroki - (5 Star) Shirtless Magician - (5 Star)

Timestop #

Timestop causes an inflicted enemy to stop moving for a certain amount of time. The time depends on the unit. Timestops works like stun but the duration being longer and being a manual.


Units that inflicts Timestop: #

Jokato Koju IV - (6 Star) (Stops time for 6 Seconds) Mysterious X (VOID) - (6 Star) (Stops time for 6 Seconds) JJ-Siwa - (5 Star) (Stops time for 3 Seconds) Jokato Koju - (5 Star) (Stops time for 5 Seconds) Mysterious X - (5 Star) (Stops time for 5 Seconds) Zio - (5 Star) (Stops time for 5 Seconds)

Ultimate Timestop #

Ultimate Timestop causes an inflicted enemy to stop moving. This works different with Timestop as you can timestop normally while the Ultimate Timestop is on cooldown.


Units that inflicts Ultimate Timestop: #

Devil - (7 Star) (Ultimate Timestops for 15 Seconds) Jokato Koju (Ascended) - (6 Star) (Ultimate Timestops for 30 Seconds) Zio (Ascended) - (6 Star) (Ultimate Timestops for 20 Seconds) Nominated Female Giant - (6 Star) (Ultimate Timestops for 20 Seconds)

Reverse #

Reverse causes an inflicted enemy to go back for an indefinite amount of time. The duration of the reversal depends on the unit.


Units that inflicts Reverse: #

Eyezen (Final) - (7 Star) Julian (King of Wizards) - (6 Star) Large Mother (Mad) - (6 Star) Star Boy (Requiem) - (6 Star) Zero - (6 Star)

Enchant Change #

Enchant Change causes an inflicted enemy to change their enchant. The change of enchants depends on the unit. Additionally, Normal enemies with no enchants will not be affected.


Units that inflicts Enchant Change: #

Anti-Magician (Demon Arm) - (6 Star) (Changes Enchants to Dark)

Reveal #

Reveal causes an inflicted enemy to turn into a unit with no status. For example, Enemy Decelerates when inflicted becomes a normal Enemy. Status that can be changed depends on the unit like Appala not being to change Cloners to normal.


Units that inflicts Reveal: #

Princess Appala - (7 Star) (Doesn’t Reveal Cloner) Demonlord Waifu - (6 Star) (Reveals Cloner) (Recommended)

Setback #

Setback causes an inflicted enemy to go back previous corners. The corners they go back to depends on the unit.


Units that inflicts Setback: #

Devil - (7 Star) (Setsback 3 corners) (Recommended) Kuma (Furious) - (6 Star) (Setsback 1 corner) Dr. Heart - (6 Star) (Setsback 1 corner)

Slow #

Slow causes slows on inflicted enemy by 50%.


Units that inflicts Slow: #

Mochi (Awakening) - (7 Star) (Recommended) Worl (Vigilante) - (7 Star) Flacon (Ascendance) - (7 Star) Black Stache (TimeSkip) - (6 Star) Ikki (Dark) - (6 Star) Mochi (Injured) - (6 Star) Raizan - (6 Star) Zero - (6 Star) Mochi - (5 Star) Rhikadai - (5 Star)